Monero for privacy, safety and freedom

Monero Means Money

Monero is a fast, private and secure way to perform transactions and exchange funds online.

Why use Monero?

Safer than credit cards

Fred bought a new computer from company XYZ.
A month later, company XYZ got hacked and their customer database was compromised. The attackers compromised hundreds of users credit card details and Fred’s account balance was completely drained. The attackers had bypassed the weak security measures implemented by his bank. Fred immediately called the bank but they were flooded with calls and he couldn’t get his money back. There was an expected wait time of 30-days before the case could be investigated.

This could have been avoided if Fred used Monero.

Safer than Bitcoin

Jane lost her job and decided to list her car for sale online.
Weeks passed and she had no progress.
A few days later she received a call from a buyer who would like to pay in Bitcoin. At this point Jane urgently needed funds to pay for food and rent so Jane agreed and sold the car.
A few months later the police arrived at Janes home and advised she’s now a suspect in a major computer crime. The Bitcoin she received was involved in illegal activities several transactions earlier and an analytics company had tracked her down as the receiver of the Bitcoin.

This could have been avoided if Jane used Monero.

What do i need to get started?

All you need to be able to send and receive Monero is a wallet that supports Monero transactions.

One of the easiest wallets to use is Cake Wallet, which also has built-in functionality to purchase gift cards and can be downloaded from the official website -

More wallets are listed on the official Monero website -

How can i get Monero?

Monero can be acquired on centralised exchanges (such as Kraken - by first acquiring another coin such as LTC) or peer-to-peer exchanges (such as Local Monero - - preferred)

An extensive list of exchanges is available on the Monero website -

Where can i use Monero?

Monero is being accepted by more and more merchants by everyday.

Some notable products and services include:

Also, now that you have a wallet, you can accept Monero!

Want to learn more and keep up-to-date?

The best way to stay updated on Monero is via the Monero Talk YouTube and Odysee channel:

If you’d like to participate in online discussions check out the official Monero reddit:

Need help?

If you require assistance or need custom documentation and training feel free to email us to request a meeting or quotation.